for HD Chorea in Adults

Getting your prescription is easier with teva shared solutions®

Your doctor can send your AUSTEDO XR (deutetrabenazine) extended-release tablets prescription in one of two ways:


Once you or your doctor enrolls you in Shared Solutions, our patient support program, here's what to expect.

Your prescription can be sent directly to Shared Solutions. They will confirm that it can be sent to the preferred pharmacy, identify financial assistance options, help make treatment affordable, and assist navigating Medicare Part D.

Your pharmacy will ship your prescription (and future refills) to you. Once you start your prescription, a Shared Solutions nurse will call you to provide ongoing support throughout your treatment and support with future refills.

Enroll in Shared Solutions today by visiting

Shared Solutions

If you are not enrolled when AUSTEDO XR is prescribed, here's what to expect:

Your prescription can be sent directly to the preferred pharmacy.

You and your doctor are responsible for identifying financial assistance options, navigating Medicare Part D, and identifying a different pharmacy if the preferred pharmacy is out of network.

Your pharmacy will ship your prescription (and future refills) to you. You will not receive Shared Solutions nurse support, and you are responsible for the future refills process.

Navigating insurance and billing information can be overwhelming. Shared Solutions, our patient support
program, can help ease the process by handling it for you. Call 1-800-887-8100 to find out more.

Find out more about Shared Solutions

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What is a specialty pharmacy?

A specialty pharmacy provides medications that aren't used by many people, which local pharmacies tend not to keep in stock. The specialty pharmacy ships these medications directly to your home.1-3

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1. NASP definitions of specialty pharmacy and specialty medications. National Association of Specialty Pharmacy. February 24, 2016. Accessed January 24, 2024.

2. Kruczek N. What is so “special” about specialty pharmacy? Pharmacy Times. July 1, 2020. Accessed January 24, 2024.

3. Einodshofer M, Ellis M. The challenge of specialty pharmacy: mitigating costs while providing quality care. Pharmacy Times. August 8, 2013. Accessed January 24, 2024.